5 Ways to Preempt the Competition

by | May 30, 2020

Unless your business is a monopoly – and it most likely isn’t – then you have competition out there ready to swipe away your customers. Indeed, you should simply take for granted that someone else out there is seeking the same leads, speaking with the same potential clients etc. Therefore, the best thing you can do for your business – apart from purchasing our real estate leads list – it to learn how to put some distance between you and your competitor in the race for customers. Read on to learn more about ways you can pre-empt the competition and stay head of the crowd. 

Learn about your competitors: The more you know about who your competitors are and how they operate the better off you will be. This is useful for either replicating their success of for avoiding their errors. Either way, take some time to find out who these competitors are. You may consider calling or emailing them – anonymously – and finding out their fees, etc. 

Prove your greater value: If a client knows that you have more to offer in what you will able to do for them, then they will likely choose you over your competitors. One way to present greater value to your customers is to learn as much as you can about the probate field. Here we can help you with our Probate Mastery course and our archived teleconferences. 

Keep it simple: Just because you may have greater knowledge about the probate field than your client does, does not mean that you should overwhelm them clients with it. Keep your presentation simple and based on what you can do for the client. Speak to him/her about next steps and always be going for the close.

Deliver a standout customer experience: All customers like to feel that they are valued. This is true of any field. As it so happens, real estate is high contact, people-based business. You must be personable and relatable and always be willing to listen to what your customers have to say. Many people stop doing business with companies everyday based solely on horrible customer service experiences. 

Be unique: Try to provide your customers with an experience that is unique. Otherwise, he/she will not be able to distinguish you from your competitors. 

Of course, we can give you more information about the probate process. We can also give you access to fully skip-traced probate leads so that you can accelerate your business to the next level. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you find any of this to be overwhelming or confusing. We can clear things up for you and put your company in the black.

Catagory: Probate

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