Call Summary:
- Chad received his first lighting strike from a lead that was not happy with getting letters. What is the best way to handle this type of call? Respond with a hand-written note.
- I have been given access to some attorneys by associates. What should my approach be to meet them? The best is to meet them face to face. The tri-fold brochure is a great tool to use.
- Melissa wants to know if you should leave voice mail messages. Should the letter be changed each time you send one out? How do you deal with people who say we have everything handled?
- Kevin asks how does ATL manage requests to enhance the system? Tips on calling spouses. How do you approach calling old leads?
- What are some creative financing options? In three months we have completed 2 deals based only on our letters. The combination of letters and calls work best.
- How does an agent make money dealing with an investor? What is the best voice mail message to leave?
- Question on how the ISA team represents the customer’s company on the call? What is their opening?