The ATL Blog

90 Days of Probate Marketing in 30 Minutes or Less!

Information is power. No professional can achieve his/her goal without knowing all he or she can about every topic related to his/her business. This is what our educational resources offer real estate professionals who use either our training videos or who attend one of our conference calls. (We have the year 2014 – 2018 archived on our site.) You see, we give professionals so much information that they, with enough determination, can execute immediately. We give you more than theory. We give you actionable intelligence on how to get the best real estate leads. This allows you to act immediately. For example here are a few things you need to know to grow your leads.

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The Biggest Fear We Hear from Rookie Probate Agents

A great man once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Fear can be immobilizing. It can keep us from achieving our goals and pursuing our dreams because we fear we will fail. Well, such paralysis in the real estate business can mean not only the loss of confidence but it can also mean the loss of money, time and other resources as well – not just yours but that of your client’s too. Thus, the biggest fear we hear from rookie probate agents is that they will not know enough to navigate a very complex system that is full of pit falls both for the agent and his/her clients

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Charlatan or Good Samaritan? It’s Really Up To You

kinds of experiences can result in loss of time, money and effort on the part of the client. This makes the job of the majority of agents who wish to provide value to their clients seem rather difficult. However, the choice of what kind of experience you wish to provide for your client is a simple matter of making a commitment to a certain standard of excellence. You can do this by avoiding behaviors that only an agent who can best be described as a charlatan would indulge in.

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Top 3 Secrets to Help Your Clients Avoid Probate Property Process

The probate process can sometimes be slow and costly. It can also leave information the client might just as well keep private vulnerable to scammers and even burglars. For these reasons, many of your clients will wish to avoid this process. As a real-estate expert you can add value to your clients and make things easier for yourself by letting them know how this process can be avoided when possible. Here are three secrets your client can use to avoid probate. 

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Top 5 Responsibilities of Executors and How You can Provide Value as an Expert

One of the best ways to guarantee your success as a real estate professional is to learn how other experts can add value to your own services. In other words, you should strive to learn how experts among the other fields you encounter can help you to get more listing leads, perhaps through real estate lead generation websites, increase sales and become better at what you do. An executor is one professional whose responsibilities you should know so that you can provide them with greater value as an expert.

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How I Got More Real Estate Listings by Becoming a Probate Expert

It is a well established fact that it takes luck, education and no small amount of creativity to be a lucrative real estate professional in today’s market. What I mean by that is that you must sometimes be willing to seek and acquire properties in “non-conventional ways.” Specifically, I’m referring to using probate listings as a way to scoop up good real estate deals. This is what I have done in order to increase my real estate listings. Allow me to explain how this works.

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Aging Boomers and the Growing Need for Probate Real Estate Professionals

A big shift is happening in our population. Baby Boomers – one of the largest populations in the United States – are getting older, retiring, and passing on. By the year 2060, it’s expected that the majority of Baby Boomers’ $30 trillion in wealth (80% of which is locked up in real estate) will have been transferred to their heirs. This isn’t a shift many people, including real estate professionals, like to think about.

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Case Study – Bill Byrd – All The Leads Reviews

Case Study – Bill Byrd – All The Leads Reviews

A lot of interested prospects ask us for All The Leads reviews when they first hear about our service.  It’s often hard to capture the stories we hear every day from our best (and therefore busiest) Subscribers, but Bill was generous enough to take the time needed to set up Skype and do this case study interview with me so you guys can benefit from what he has learned.

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How to Prospect Probate Attorneys for More Deals

How to Prospect Probate Attorneys for More Deals

We often discuss marketing to and prospecting Probate Attorneys on our weekly Probate Mastermind calls and there have been a lot of good discussions there, which Subscribers can access on in our Conference Call Archive.  I’ve learned a lot from helping other agents/brokers across the country so I wanted to make a public video that will help everyone.  Prospecting attorneys is a great way to supplement your marketing efforts.

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3 Ways to Find Cash Buyers for Your Probate Listings

Part of what we teach in Probate Fast Track is to build a probate team to help you bring value to clients.  One of the key positions on that team is a reliable cash buyer or many cash buyers who can close quickly when the situation calls for it.  We discuss this often on our weekly Probate Mastermind Call so I thought I’d share 3 ideas that you can implement today to find cash buyers for your probate listings.

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Probate Case Study – Bud Thomsen

Probate Case Study – Bud Thomsen

Bud is one of our biggest contributors on the Weekly Probate Mastermind call and has graciously volunteered much of his time to talk to other agents and brokers who are considering adding probate as a service niche in their real estate business

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As the Co-Founder and Trainer of All The Leads I am constantly talking with our Subscribers about their results when prospecting for probate listings.  One of the most common reports is that they are having success reaching the Personal Representatives of the Estate but when asking about their plans they quickly recoil and ask them to call back in ___ days or ___ months.

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Mailing Mistake May Miss Million$

It’s always great when I can share a tip from a subscriber … especially when that subscriber is one of our oldest and most successful. I had the pleasure of learning this info yesterday in just such a conversation. I was speaking with this subscriber about a technical question he’d called me about. After answering his technical question, he mentioned that he was really excited to be back on track after changing brokers in the middle of last year. Based on a previous conversation, I knew that he’d been the new office’s agent of the month several times already and had enjoyed a couple of million dollar months, so I was curious about what “back on track” meant. His answer was enlightening.

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Probate Mastermind Calls

About the Podcast: Join the expert coaches from All The Leads mastermind live each week for marketing, sales psychology, deal analysis, transaction engineering, and so much more. Access the Archive