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How I Got More Real Estate Listings by Becoming a Probate Expert

It is a well established fact that it takes luck, education and no small amount of creativity to be a lucrative real estate professional in today’s market. What I mean by that is that you must sometimes be willing to seek and acquire properties in “non-conventional ways.” Specifically, I’m referring to using probate listings as a way to scoop up good real estate deals. This is what I have done in order to increase my real estate listings. Allow me to explain how this works.

Aging Boomers and the Growing Need for Probate Real Estate Professionals

A big shift is happening in our population. Baby Boomers – one of the largest populations in the United States – are getting older, retiring, and passing on. By the year 2060, it’s expected that the majority of Baby Boomers’ $30 trillion in wealth (80% of which is locked up in real estate) will have been transferred to their heirs. This isn’t a shift many people, including real estate professionals, like to think about.

Case Study – Bill Byrd – All The Leads Reviews

Case Study – Bill Byrd – All The Leads Reviews

A lot of interested prospects ask us for All The Leads reviews when they first hear about our service.  It’s often hard to capture the stories we hear every day from our best (and therefore busiest) Subscribers, but Bill was generous enough to take the time needed to set up Skype and do this case study interview with me so you guys can benefit from what he has learned.