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How to Prospect Probate Attorneys for More Deals

How to Prospect Probate Attorneys for More Deals

We often discuss marketing to and prospecting Probate Attorneys on our weekly Probate Mastermind calls and there have been a lot of good discussions there, which Subscribers can access on in our Conference Call Archive.  I’ve learned a lot from helping other agents/brokers across the country so I wanted to make a public video that will help everyone.  Prospecting attorneys is a great way to supplement your marketing efforts.

3 Ways to Find Cash Buyers for Your Probate Listings

Part of what we teach in Probate Fast Track is to build a probate team to help you bring value to clients.  One of the key positions on that team is a reliable cash buyer or many cash buyers who can close quickly when the situation calls for it.  We discuss this often on our weekly Probate Mastermind Call so I thought I’d share 3 ideas that you can implement today to find cash buyers for your probate listings.


As the Co-Founder and Trainer of All The Leads I am constantly talking with our Subscribers about their results when prospecting for probate listings.  One of the most common reports is that they are having success reaching the Personal Representatives of the Estate but when asking about their plans they quickly recoil and ask them to call back in ___ days or ___ months.

Are You An Ambulance Chaser?

One of the most common concerns we hear from new subscribers to the probate leads offered by All The Leads is the fear that people they contact will accuse them of being ambulance chasers, hearse chasers or worse. Does that really happen? In truth, it’s pretty rare, but even when it does, a proper approach on the phone call can usually turn negative emotions into genuine appreciation. It’s all a matter of understanding what they need.

Mailing Mistake May Miss Million$

It’s always great when I can share a tip from a subscriber … especially when that subscriber is one of our oldest and most successful. I had the pleasure of learning this info yesterday in just such a conversation. I was speaking with this subscriber about a technical question he’d called me about. After answering his technical question, he mentioned that he was really excited to be back on track after changing brokers in the middle of last year. Based on a previous conversation, I knew that he’d been the new office’s agent of the month several times already and had enjoyed a couple of million dollar months, so I was curious about what “back on track” meant. His answer was enlightening.