Probate Mastermind #250

Recorded Live on October 24, 2019

Today’s Top Probate Real Estate Tips:

  • Investor: Should I get my license?!
  • The Value In Administering The Estate (Get your clients PAID!)
  • Using a case study to win B2B relationships

Call Re-cap

2:43 Joyce brings an update to a situation she presented last week; her client’s sister filed probate without him.  Joyce called an attorney she’s worked with previously and he suggested calling the sister’s attorney.  Chad and Joyce discuss practical courses of action for navigating a role between the brother and sister so both are trusting, as well as how to handle the court petition.

9:52 Joyce shares kind words about the value of Chad’s Probate Mastery course. Thank you!

11:40 Dennis from Okaloosa County, Florida is curious about using our ISA service and a ringless voicemail service to reach older leads.  Chad and Jim discuss how to balance both to make it cost-effective.

16:06 Dennis describes how, without even putting in the work he should have, he sold 10 listings, made $75,000, and put in about $5000, with $13,000 pending from a “Come List Me Call!” from an old letter.  1500% ROI just like that! Now, he’s ready to get consistent. He also adds the intrinsic value is unbeatable.

25:32 Sandra is looking for advice on helping her mother navigate a court petition in California.  Sandra is also looking to list this property, so it’s a great opportunity.   In helping her mom petition the court to administer the estate, they found there were distant heirs with stakes in the distribution of the estate.  Chad discusses how to navigate the court and

30:52 Bill from Michigan is researching a property he just bought. It’s already gone to foreclosure, it’s unoccupied, and the relatives of the deceased live hours away. There is no probate on record. Winter is approaching and freezing pipes are a concern. Chad and Bill discuss going through the due process to get access to recover the assets.

40:43 Tiana from Central Virginia is curious about getting licensed in Virginia. She says she keeps hearing this from both sides that it’s good, it’s not good.  Chad says if you’re an ethical person, and you like making money, get licensed.  Chad recommends Mosley Real Estate School since she’s in Virginia.  Chad also details why people who warn you about liabilities is bad advice from investors who are probably unethical themselves.

45:39 Will from Washington is getting call backs from probate leads, but he isn’t sure who they are when they call him. How do you handle answering these calls? Chad describes his method.

48:14 Will asks about sending emails to leads.  We have some great updates coming up to  help subscribers automate their email drips.

50:23 Scott Nance (Super-Ethical Scott) from Orlando just met with a probate attorney in his market.  He asks about co-branding. Should he focus on one relationship, or multiple? You want to know EVERYONE! If you missed it, Scott has an awesome success story.  Chad and Scott discuss sphere-of-influence campaigns, such as “I’m planning for 2020, and I see an opportunity in offering asset protection.” You can send these clients over to your attorneys, handling the vetting and opting in, to a professional who will now value your partnership above anyone else’s.

59:30 Scott also mentions some awesome vendors he’s come across, such as Curbio – A pre-sale renovation company that takes their fee at closing.

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