Getting the Most Out of Your Leads | Probate Mastermind Episode #396

Recorded Live on September 22, 2022

These episodes are recorded as a live Question and Answer Mastermind with participation from agents and investors across the country. Thanks for tuning in, and don’t forget to subscribe for future episodes!

Call Re-cap:

00:00 Introductions

The coaches take some time to discuss general updates.

01:07 Introducing Real Estate Coaches Corner

Jim introduces the new discussion forum Real Estate Coaches Corner. Every week on Tuesday @ 8pm EST, join the coaches on Clubhouse.

05:30 Expanding Opportunities Through Networking

Chuck takes some time to share a recent success through networking and encourages listeners to apply more effort into building their network.

12:00 Wins & Success

Matt Driscoll shares his recent win he was able to accomplish through a bit over networking and intuitive thinking.

20:55 Best Ways to Approach Attorneys About Offers

Best ways to go about discussing possible offers with attorneys when you’re given permission to contact the attorney from the Personal Representative.

27:25 Best Follow Up Practices After Receiving Interest

Bruce shares how to appropriately follow up after a PR shows interest

29:50 Conversation Practices to Build Rapport with Attorneys

The coaches go over the best conversational practices to master when attempting to build a strong relationship with local attoryeys.

36:02 Understanding Probate Leads

The coaches go over how to understand the different aspects of probate leads.

45:40 Pros and Cons of Billboard Marketing

The coaches share their opinions on the effectiveness of billboard marketing for probate.

51:30 Setting a Minimum Commission Fee

The coaches briefly go over minimum commission fees and when it is best to enact them in a deal.

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