People who are successful in the probate marketing game quickly realize that the whole process of generating viable leads is a lot like being a gumshoe. (That’s slang for a private detective for the younger professionals who are reading this). There are certain steps that if you perform them correctly and in the right order will increase your chance of success at finding profitable probate property. Here are some of the steps you should follow to achieve probate success.
- Determine where the deceased was living at time of death: Knowing this will be important because the rules of probate vary depending on jurisdiction. In fact, probate laws generally differ from state to state even though some states have adopted the Uniform Probate Code.
- Find the index of the probate records you want: Some of these records will be found online. The archives here can contain information such as holdings information, telephone numbers, and directions. You may also wish to check for physical copies of the records you need at archives and libraries as many are published on microfilm. Prepare to spend some time looking through these records.
- Look in the index for the deceased’s name: This will be listed alphabetically by surname along with the docket number and date of probate. Be sure to check the names of relatives as well as their may be files that can help you.
- Note the files you want to view and give them to the clerk who will retrieve the actual files: If these files are stored off-site it may take a while for your request to be filled.
- Once you receive the files you are seeking organize them: Organize the files chronologically or any way you find gives you a clear understanding of the information you seek.
- Be tenacious: When you are engaged in the probate marketing process the most important quality you can demonstrate is tenacity. You need to persist in your efforts to get together the information you need with the ultimate goal of making a profit.
Finally, by persisting and following the above steps you will find document that will be useful to your efforts such including:

- a will, if there was one
- codicils (amendments) to the will
- a petition for an executor or administrator
- probate of the will
- a list of heirs
- an inventory of the deceased’s estate at time of death
- a report of the committee for partition when heirs cannot agree amongst themselves about how to divide the estate
- receipts from heirs
- a closing statement by the court
- an inventory of real estate and stocks and bonds held in joint tenancy, even though not part of the probate proceedings
Of course, we can save you give you more information about probate you will need through our site. We can also generate these leads for you so that your business can accelerate itself to the next level. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you find any of this to be overwhelming or confusing. We can clear things up for you and put your company in the black.