Probate Mastermind #278

Probate Mastermind #278

Call Re-cap: Exceptions To Estate Transfer (3:05) Deb in North Carolina, which has some barriers to billing services relating to real property to the estate.  Bruce Hill, from Raleigh, NC advises.   Reaching Google Assistant While Cold Calling? (8:05)...
Probate Mastermind #278

Probate Mastermind #277

Call Re-cap: alifornia Probate: Full Authority vs. Limited Authority (1:10) Chad E. asks about the probate timeline.  He is in California, which has a lengthier probate process than other states.  Chad Corbett describes how a personal representative with...
Probate Mastermind #278

Probate Mastermind #276

Call Re-cap: Rehab Projects, Jumbo Loans, and the Current Market (6:08) Joyce is working on a deal where the house is worth about $500k, but should be worth around $700k after repairs.  She wants to go half with the sellers on repairs.  How can she structure...
Probate Mastermind #278

Probate Mastermind #275

Call Re-cap: ATL Introduces Bruce Hill – Your New Accountability Coach! (0:00) Warm welcome to Bruce Hill, who will be handling monthly accountability coaching sessions for ATL subscribers! How to Maximize Equity, Generate High Cash Offers Now (4:45) John has a condo...
Probate Mastermind #278

Probate Mastermind #274

Today’s Top Probate Discussions: Winning Attorney RelationshipsCold-Calling Scripts for Calling Leads During CoronavirusPeter gets a $1.825 Million Listing and THEN Some!!What If I Can’t Reach A Lead By Phone?Pushing Probate Leads to Vulcan 7Why You Shouldn’t Scrub...