Probate Mastermind #258

Probate Mastermind #258

Need help with a short-sale? Jim’s wife Pam Sullivan has done over 2000 short sales and can help with any short sale from start to finish, without taking from your commission.  Let us know if you need help with a short-sale by emailing...
Probate Mastermind #258

Probate Mastermind #257

Today’s Top Probate Discussions: Investing In Yourself On A Budget.What Attorneys Want From a Business Relationship With You.What to Do When A Personal Representative Passes Away During Probate. Call Re-cap 2:30 Renee joins to share her thoughts on using ringless...
Probate Mastermind #258

Probate Mastermind #256

Today’s call was filled with great questions, insights, and lessons.  We went close to an hour and a half in length today discussing strategies for handling objections while cold-calling, solidifying reciprocal relationships with attorneys, and winning business when...
Probate Mastermind #258

Probate Mastermind #255

As the holidays approach, don’t be afraid to throw yourself out there ! Some Personal Representatives will appreciate you reaching out now more than ever for a variety of reasons.  Courts slow down, houses in areas with cold weather need to be...
Probate Mastermind #258

Probate Mastermind #254

Today’s Top Real Estate Discussions: Getting referrals from trust attorneys and financial plannersCold-calling probate leads during the holiday seasonThe medicaid clawback process and how to navigate medicaid real estate deals. Call Re-cap 4:07 Andy asks about...