Probate Mastermind #147

Probate Mastermind #147

Call Summary: What do you do if the real estate is sold?How to deal with the “we’ve got it covered” objectionHow to fit probate prospecting into your normal prospecting schedule.What is the timeline on a probate listing and how to use target date to expedite the...
Probate Mastermind #147

Probate Mastermind #146

Call Summary: Some basic questions early on this one. If you’re looking for substance, skip to the 16 min. mark.Tim discusses how to get started with a new subscriberBuilding your team and using ISAs to leverage timeHow to listen to past Role Play callsHow many...
Probate Mastermind #147

Probate Mastermind #145

Call Summary: We now have brochures and postcards in Mailbox Motivator > Campaign SetupRodger updates us on his strategy and shares his plan for the future.How to get ready for the phones the first timeShould you customize your letters and language to match your...
Probate Mastermind #147

Probate Mastermind #144

Call Summary: New Subscriber shares his experienceHow to approach historical probate leadsHow to handle the “We’ve got it covered.” responseCan you list if the Public Administrator has not been appointed?How to opt people out of mailingsWe discuss call frequency and...
Probate Mastermind #147

Probate Mastermind #143

Call Summary: A new subscriber asks what to do first.What you can and cannot tell by looking at the data vs. speaking the the Personal RepresentativeWhat’s your pricing and how do I get access to training?Role Play: Initial ConversationHow to find the right Estate...