Probate Mastermind #127

Probate Mastermind #127

Call Summary: When to make calls after mail is sentHear about a probate info conference held by an attorney, a banker and a nursing home rep.Custom mailing discussionHow to prepare for an appointment when the house is damaged and they are willing to make repairs.Why...
Probate Mastermind #127

Probate Mastermind #125

Call Summary: What do you do if both the PR and the Deceased are out of state?We address how to use some of the CRM functionsWe review a scenario where a brother is living in a house that the sister wants to sell and how Anthony can handle it.How to use the CRM while...
Probate Mastermind #127

Probate Mastermind #124

Call Summary: How do you structure cash deals?How do you get ready to make calls?How to pay for contractors and find good onesSuccess story on probate attorney prospectingSam shares how she got a $400k listing using a caring touch and a really rare case that we’ve...
Probate Mastermind #127

Probate Mastermind #123

Call Summary: How to tell if a probate contains real estate. How to monetize those that don’t contain real estate.Should you call if the deceased last address was a nursing home? Should you call a surviving spouse? Why you SHOULD call those who lived in apartments....