Probate Mastermind #46

Probate Mastermind #46

Call Summary: Win updates: Paul has over 20 Probate deals so far by simply sending 1 letter each month and Bob got 3 apts. resulting in 2 listings and 2 long-term opportunities.Chad Corbett makes some suggestions on how to find listing opportunities by networking with...
Probate Mastermind #46

Probate Mastermind #45

Call Summary: Chad Corbett explains what Probate Mastery Training is and how you can earn your Certified Probate Expert designation.Jim Sullivan explains the very simple process for listing Probate homes and the common denominator to failure….inaction.We talk about...
Probate Mastermind #46

Probate Mastermind #44

Call Summary: Win report on new subscriber who listed 3 properties on the first round of letters and personal calls.How a new(ish) subscriber kept in touch with us and we spent the time to figure out better ways to approach this campaign in his market.Chad shares his...
Probate Mastermind #46

Probate Mastermind #43

Call Summary: Why YOU should personalize your letters to fit your business and your market.Why you should consider Probate a long-term campaign and not quit if your first letter gets no response.Chad discusses live calls vs. automated dialing, why some homes are sold...
Probate Mastermind #46

Probate Mastermind #42

Call Summary: How to open the initial conversationHow following the MIT study in Step 5 of Subscriber Resources can achieve a 50% contact rateHow Chad Corbett only goes on listing apts. on Mon. & Fri. and prospects on Tue. – Thur.How to turn a “not interested”...