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LeadFollow Digital Marketing Update – Jan. 2019

January has been an exciting month at All The Leads.  We have spent a considerable amount of time finishing our new LeadFollow Digital Marketing offering.  LeadFollow is taking a shape that even we didn’t see just 60 days ago so I wanted to bring everyone up to speed.  This is a long-form video with Ben & Chad talking about what has been done, what has been improved and what is still to come as LeadFollow is developed to it’s full potential.

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Myths about Wills and Probate

Myths about Wills and Probate

eads, we’ve long contended that knowledge is power. If you browse the blog posts on our site and learn a little about the education we offer via our conference call video archive, you will see this principle in action. As a real estate professional you will be called upon to delve into a number of areas and interact with professionals in many different fields. So that you will not have to deal with the topic and professionals in the field, e.g., probate attorneys, from a position of ignorance, we are going to debunk the following myths about probate and wills in general.

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Be a Probate Sleuth: How to Nail the Probate Research Process

eople who are successful in the probate marketing game quickly realize that the whole process of generating viable leads is a lot like being a gumshoe. (That’s slang for a private detective for the younger professionals who are reading this). There are certain steps that if you perform them correctly and in the right order will increase your chance of success at finding profitable probate property. Here are some of the steps you should follow to achieve probate success.

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Reasons Wills are Contested and How to Prepare for the Unexpected

As most real estate professionals know, it is typically very difficult to successfully challenge a will. This is generally because it is thought that the last wishes of the deceased should almost always be respected even if the living sometimes find some of these wishes to be arbitrary. However, simply because successful challenges are relatively rare, it does not mean that you or anyone else should be complacent when it comes to the probate process. The wrinkle of a challenge to a will can have a profound effect on attorneys, real estate professional and of course the survivors. Let’s look closely at a few grounds for which a will may be challenged

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