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Probate Mastermind #190
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #190 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #189
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #189 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #188
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #188 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #187
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #187 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Top 3 Secrets to Help Your Clients Avoid Probate Property Process
The probate process can sometimes be slow and costly. It can also leave information the client might just as well keep private vulnerable to scammers and even burglars. For these reasons, many of your clients will wish to avoid this process. As a real-estate expert you can add value to your clients and make things easier for yourself by letting them know how this process can be avoided when possible. Here are three secrets your client can use to avoid probate.
Probate Mastermind #186
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #186 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Top 5 Responsibilities of Executors and How You can Provide Value as an Expert
One of the best ways to guarantee your success as a real estate professional is to learn how other experts can add value to your own services. In other words, you should strive to learn how experts among the other fields you encounter can help you to get more listing leads, perhaps through real estate lead generation websites, increase sales and become better at what you do. An executor is one professional whose responsibilities you should know so that you can provide them with greater value as an expert.
Probate Mastermind #185
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #185 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #183
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #183 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
How I Got More Real Estate Listings by Becoming a Probate Expert
It is a well established fact that it takes luck, education and no small amount of creativity to be a lucrative real estate professional in today’s market. What I mean by that is that you must sometimes be willing to seek and acquire properties in “non-conventional ways.” Specifically, I’m referring to using probate listings as a way to scoop up good real estate deals. This is what I have done in order to increase my real estate listings. Allow me to explain how this works.
Probate Mastermind #182
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #182 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #181
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #181 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #180
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #180 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #179
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #179 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #178
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #178 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Aging Boomers and the Growing Need for Probate Real Estate Professionals
A big shift is happening in our population. Baby Boomers – one of the largest populations in the United States – are getting older, retiring, and passing on. By the year 2060, it’s expected that the majority of Baby Boomers’ $30 trillion in wealth (80% of which is locked up in real estate) will have been transferred to their heirs. This isn’t a shift many people, including real estate professionals, like to think about.
Probate Mastermind #177
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #177 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.
Probate Mastermind #176
This is Probate Real Estate Mastermind Call #176 hosted live by All The Leads coaches.